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Hotel Hercor Location

Located in the heart medical and shopping hubs of Chula Vista,We are 5 miles away from Downtown San Diego and 15 minutes away from International border.


From San Diego Airport:(11.5 miles – 18 minutes)

Take N Harbor Dr Left on W Grape St Take intersated Fwy 5 S Exit 8A towards H St Drive 0.2 miles to 692 H St.

From LA and North California (127 miles – 2 hours 11 minutes)

Take Interstate Fwy 405 S / Merge into Interstate Fwy 5 S Exit 8A towards H St Drive 0.2 miles to 692 H St.

From San Ysidro International Border (12.5 miles – 19 minutes)

Take Interstate Fwy 5 N Exit 8A towards H St Drive 0.2 miles to 692 H St.

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